For brave women lawyers who want what they deserve.

In our Inner Circle Masterminds, knowledge is power.

You could dream of stepping into your power. Or, you could put yourself on a path to it.

In our Inner Circle Masterminds,

Knowledge is Power.

For brave women lawyers who want what they deserve.

You could dream of stepping into your power. Or, you could put yourself on a path to it.

According to Harvard Business Review, women who are highly central in their network, and have a female-dominated inner circle land leadership roles

2.5x higher

than their peers without these two elements.

According to Harvard Business Review, women who are highly central in their network, and have a female-dominated inner circle land leadership roles

2.5x higher

than their peers without these two elements.

You wonder if you’re stagnating. Or you know you are.

Stepping into control of your career feels unattainable.

If you are like other women lawyers, you feel:

  • Exhausted

  • You are behind

  • Controlled by clients

  • Isolated and unsupported

  • You can’t make delegation work

  • Concerned about what your poor self care will bring

  • Tired of interrupting your personal time over and over

  • Working nonstop and wondering if or when you will be able to think about anything else

You’ve tried so many things:

  • Therapy

  • Online courses

  • Private coaches

  • Networking events

  • Industry conferences

  • Mentorship programs

  • Working around the clock

  • Personal development books

  • Podcasts on women in leadership

  • Joining the women’s bar association in your community

None of them put you back in your power;

You still feel stuck.

Our degree was supposed to put you in control. You’ve deserve that.

If you are like other women lawyers, you feel:

  • Exhausted

  • You are behind

  • Controlled by clients

  • Isolated and unsupported

  • You can’t make delegation work

  • Concerned about your poor self care will lead to

  • Tired of interrupting your personal time over and over

  • Working nonstop and wondering if or when you will be able to think about anything else

You’ve tried so many things:

  • Therapy

  • Online courses

  • Private coaches

  • Networking events

  • Industry conferences

  • Mentorship programs

  • Working around the clock

  • Personal development books

  • Podcasts on women in leadership

  • Joining the women’s bar association in your community

You wonder if you’re stagnating. Or you know you are.

Stepping into control of your career feels unattainable.

None of them put you back in your power;

You still feel stuck.

Our degree was supposed to put you in control. You deserve that.

Why haven’t the tools listed above worked?

The above tools are helpful, but none of them offer:

✖️ like-minded women lawyers sharing lessons in private;

✖️ strong community guidelines so everyone knows she belongs; nor

✖️ a community outside of your workplace and local community, where social proximity stifles the candor required for a true exchange of ideas.

That’s a problem. A fixable one:

Interconnected Us offers you a solution.

I know how impossible it can feel.

If change were easy, everyone would do it.

But what if I told you:

I know how to get you there, and you’re not alone anymore.

Once you commit to your future self, identify the steps you want to take, and start taking baby steps (despite the discomfort!), you’re halfway there.

But you can’t stop there.

You will go much faster when you go with others. 

And bonus, it’s a helluva lot more fun.

Not to mention that it’s more profitable, and it’s good for your health.

Hi, I’m Rachel.

A while back, I was done.

Done with letting others’ insecurities influence me.

Done with being someone else’s workhorse.

Done with feeling pressure to ignore my dreams.

The same ambition that drove me to law school was still in me, but I couldn’t figure out how to make changes in my life on my own.

I was determined to find a way to do so that was authentic to what I wanted in my life.

Within a closed circle of my peers (women lawyers), I noticed how helpful we behaved to one another - no competition, just women encouraging women to be our best, truest selves.

I observed an unspoken code:

  • Regard one another respectfully,

  • Speak candidly, and always

  • Encourage one another to play big.

In a safe space, I received the support I needed to make massive life changes:

  • I left an unhealthy relationship,

  • I created the career of my dreams, and

  • I reclaimed my mental and physical health.

I also gained a ton of confidence: I had lessons to teach them, too. We positively influenced each other.

The changes are still reverberating in my life,

but one thing won’t ever change:

I’m not going it alone anymore. No one should.

Enough about me. Interconnected Us exists for you.

I know how impossible it can feel.

If change were easy, everyone would do it.

But what if I told you:

I know how to get you there, and you’re not alone anymore.

Once you commit to your future self, identify the steps you want to take, and start taking baby steps (despite the discomfort!), you’re halfway there.

But you can’t stop there.

You will go much faster when you go with others. 

And bonus, it’s a helluva lot more fun.

Not to mention that it’s more profitable, and it’s good for your health.

A while back, I was done.

Done with letting

others’ insecurities influence me.

Done with being someone else’s workhorse.

Done with feeling pressure to ignore my dreams.

The same ambition that drove me to law school was still in me, but I couldn’t figure out how to make changes in my life on my own.

I was determined to find a way to do so that was authentic what I want in this life.

Within a closed circle of my peers (women lawyers), I noticed how helpful we behaved to one another - no competition, just women encouraging women to be our best, truest selves.

I observed an unspoken code:

  • Regard one another respectfully,

  • Speak candidly, and always

  • Encourage one another to play big.

In a safe space, I received the support I needed to make massive life changes:

  • I left an unhealthy relationship,

  • I created the career of my dreams, and

  • I reclaimed my mental and physical health.

I also gained a ton of confidence: I had lessons to teach them, too. We positively influenced each other.

The changes are still reverberating in my life,

but one thing won’t ever change:

I’m not going it alone anymore. No one should.

Enough about me. Interconnected Us exists for you.


Hi, I’m Rachel.

I’ll teach you

what I’ve learned along the way.

The tools and lessons I’ve used to take back control of my life apply to you.

Our Inner Circle Mastermind program includes (for no added cost) membership in our online community, where you will:

  • Learn how to set and maintain boundaries with kindness;

  • Share experiences and learn from others regarding how they protect their time and up their delegation game;

  • Learn how to give and receive feedback with grace and humility;

  • Find connection with others, even people with whom you are in conflict.

I’ll teach you

what I’ve learned along the way.

The tools and lessons I’ve used to take back control of my life apply to you. You will:

  • Identify your core values;

  • Learn how to use them values to make difficult decisions;

  • Connect with what truly motivates you to care for myself - physically, mentally, and spiritually;

  • Learn how to use compassion to feel healthier mentally;

  • Learn tools to find connection with others, even people with whom you are in conflict;

  • Learn how to assert and maintain boundaries; and

  • Move away from helplessness and feel prepared to take bold steps.

In our Inner Circle Mastermind groups, you will

stop giving away your power & finally

take control of your life.

In our Inner Circle Masterminds:


  1. How to reframe the conversations and people who get you off your game.

  2. How to communicate with confidence so your colleagues, clients and peers recognize your authority.

  3. How to tap into a source of confidence that will nourish you when doubts emerge.

  4. You belong - your circle will become your personal board of advisors that you can turn to when challenges unfold.


  1. Make moves that bring your life into alignment.

  2. Let go of outdated thought patterns that don’t serve you (like resentment).

  3. Start getting your power and energy back, week by week.

  4. Assert and maintain clear boundaries, so you regain control of your life.

  5. Find the courage to protect your need for rest and to recharge.

In our Inner Circle Masterminds:


  1. How to reframe the conversations and people who get you off your game.

  2. How to communicate with confidence so your colleagues, clients and peers recognize your authority.

  3. How to tap into a source of confidence that will nourish you when doubts emerge.

  4. You belong - your circle will become your personal board of advisors that you can turn to when challenges unfold.


  1. Make moves that bring your life into alignment.

  2. Let go of outdated thought patterns that don’t serve you (like resentment).

  3. Start getting your power and energy back, week by week.

  4. Assert and maintain clear boundaries, so you regain control of your life.

  5. Find the courage to protect your need for rest and to recharge.

How are we different?

  • Groups are workplace-specific so concerns raised are relevant to you

  • Strong community guidelines to promote sensitive communication,

    conflict resolution processes and most of all, belonging for all

  • Women-only so it’s safe to address what men won’t understand

  • Inner Circle Masterminds include exclusive access to our online community, where you’ll:

    • hear from experts,

    • learn to speak powerfully - with kindness, and

    • connect with women lawyers from outside of your cohort group.

  • Our Create the Life You Want framework, taught in our online community, offers practical tools for you to shift into power

How are we different?

  • Groups are workplace-specific so concerns raised are relevant to you

  • Strong community guidelines to promote sensitive communication, conflict resolution processes and most of all, belonging for all

  • Women-only so it’s safe to address what men won’t understand

  • Inner Circle Masterminds include exclusive access to our online community, where you’ll:

    • hear from experts,

    • learn to speak powerfully - with kindness, and

    • connect with women lawyers from outside of your cohort group.

  • Our Create the Life You Want framework, taught in our online community, offers practical tools for you to shift into power

With women lawyers, you get two things: empathy and strategy. We get you both.

How would you like to


“I raised my rates.”

“I learned about a new field I never would have heard of otherwise.”

“I got my partner to start pulling his weight.”

“I got the recognition I’d earned.”

“I decided to launch that business I’d been dreaming about.”

“Now I protect my need to rest - and my need for time with my family.”

“I asked for - and received - higher pay and better terms thanks to my mastermind group.”


How would you like to

“I raised my rates.”

“I learned about a new field I never would have heard of otherwise.”

“I got my partner to start pulling his weight.”

“I got the recognition I’d earned.”

“I decided to launch that business I’d been dreaming about.”

“Now I protect my need to rest - and my need for time with my family.”

“I asked for - and received - higher pay and better terms thanks to my mastermind group.”

With women lawyers, you get two things: empathy and strategy. We get you both.

Why join one of our Inner Circle Masterminds?

No woman lawyer should feel undervalued, stuck, and isolated.

You didn’t sign up for that. You deserve better.

Give me examples how to build a book without being a cis white guy who loves golf.

Help me set a boundary when I’m concerned about it not landing well.

Let me share my situation and respond with your relevant experience - even if (especially if!) our instincts differ.

🚫 No advice that is irrelevant to you (peer learning provides relevancy)

🚫 No coworkers, direct competitors nor friends (true privacy)

🚫 No men (no mansplaining)

🟢 Peer learning boosts your confidence; if your peers have already accomplished something you want, your sense of what is possible expands.

🟢 Groups are led by a professional facilitator and operate under established guidelines; everyone gets a turn to speak.

🟢 In a psychologically safe space with a regular group of women, you feel supported and know that you belong. This has a powerful impact on your well-being.

Why join one of our Inner Circle Masterminds?

No woman lawyer should feel undervalued, stuck, and isolated.

You didn’t sign up for that. You deserve better.

Give me examples how to build a book without being a cis white guy who loves golf.

Help me set a boundary when I’m concerned about it not landing well.

Let me share my situation and respond with your relevant experience - even if (especially if!) our instincts differ.

🚫 No advice that is irrelevant to you (peer learning provides relevancy)

🚫 No coworkers, direct competitors nor friends (true privacy)

🚫 No men (no mansplaining)

🟢 Peer learning boosts your confidence; if your peers have already accomplished something you want, your sense of what is possible expands.

🟢 Groups are led by a professional facilitator and operate under established guidelines; everyone gets a turn to speak.

🟢 In a psychologically safe space with a regular group of women, you feel supported and know that you belong. This has a powerful impact on your well-being.

What’s Included?

Our Inner Circle Masterminds meet bimonthly for six months,

for an hour and a half online meeting,

led by an experienced peer group facilitator.

Groups are limited in size to approximately 8 women so participants get more air time and intimacy is created that is hard to achieve in a larger group.

Inner Circle Masterminds also include exclusive access to our online community, where you’ll hear from experts, learn to speak powerfully - with kindness, and connect with women lawyers from outside of your cohort group.

Curious to hear more? Check out our Inner Circle Mastermind FAQ’s, here.


Our highly selective and curated Inner Circle Mastermind six month program starts at $5,000.

To make the program more accessible, we also offer a monthly payment plan of $1,000 per month for six months.

What’s Included?

Our Inner Circle Masterminds meet bimonthly for six months, for an hour and a half online meeting, led by an experienced peer group facilitator.

Groups are limited in size to approximately 8 women so participants get more air time and intimacy is created that is hard to achieve in a larger group.

Inner Circle Masterminds also include exclusive access to our online community, where you’ll hear from experts, learn to speak powerfully - with kindness, and connect with women lawyers from outside of your cohort group.

Curious to hear more? Check out our Inner Circle Mastermind FAQ’s, here.


Our highly selective and curated Inner Circle Mastermind six month program starts at $5,000.

To make the program more accessible, we also offer a monthly payment plan of $1,000 per month for six months.

Check out what our members have to say:

3 Easy Steps to Join

Schedule a meeting with our team and commit

Meet with Rachel, our Founder, to make sure you and our groups are a good fit

Join your cohort, ask questions and help one another

Engage at your group’s bimonthly online meetings, ask questions and learn from what is shared.

Take Action and Grow from the Experiences You Heard

When you learn how “she” did it, you see possibilities you missed before, and you make more strategic decisions.

3 Easy Steps to Join

Schedule a meeting with our team and commit

Meet with Rachel, our Founder, to make sure you and our groups are a good fit

Join your cohort, ask questions and help one another

Engage at your group’s bimonthly online meetings, ask questions and learn from what is shared.

Take Action and Grow from the Experiences You Heard

When you learn how “she” did it, you see possibilities you missed before, and you make more strategic decisions.

Follow us here →

Love Wins: our weekly newsletter written to inspire women lawyers like you to create the life you want.

© 2024 INTERCONNECTED US. All Rights Reserved.